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Body language will help you control signs of anxiety, nerves, fear, etc., to transmit the most optimal body language and identify non-verbal communication in the client and negotiate better.



Descripción del curso:

What  is Nonverbal Communication?  Everything that you do not express with words, also  It encompasses paralanguage (the characteristics of your voice) and even pheromones (the smells that your voice releases).  your body naturally).

It has been shown that people  The most successful in any area are those with the greatest ability to pick up and interpret the hidden signals that everyone unconsciously reveals to others.

It will help you generate an extraordinary rapport, expressing yourself in a better way  in all areas of non-verbal communication,  such as: facial expressions, kinesics (postures and movements) of the body, proxemics and  paralanguage, since body language is 55% of communication.  

When we sell, we transmit information with our body language  unconsciously and our client perceives it.


Body language does not detect lies, it detects signs of nerves, frustration, stress, fear, anxiety, etc., which  they are expressed when lying and if we do not identify these signs when selling, the client may unconsciously misinterpret them and distrust the person, product, service or idea that is offered.  

Body language in sales will help you convey the best version of your product, service or idea, helping you to express and convey your presentation in the best way. You will be able to read your client and know how you are doing in your sales process, know what attracts him and what does not attract him and take steps forward with the information that he is giving you unconsciously, without realizing it, this information will be very useful when negotiating and carrying out a successful sales closing.


Would you like it...?

  • Know what your customers are thinking. 

  • stream to the moment  to sell  the best version of your product, service or idea. 

  • Take steps forward in a negotiation. 

  • Extraordinary closing.  

If your answer is yes...

Train yourself to be able to create the best story you  you can, THE STORY YOU CREATE YOURSELF!

Christopher desarrollo un sistema para persuadir y generar "rapport" de forma extraordinariamente eficiente con Lenguaje Corporal, ha capacitado miles de vendedores, emprendedores, y empresarios en el arte de el Lenguaje Corporal enfocado a las ventas y a la persuasión.

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​​Está avalado ante la STPS (Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social) y ante la SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública) y CONOCER (Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales).

Registro SAVITAR STPS.jpg

Lo que aprenderás:

Cuando vendemos es importante conocer y usar las tonalidades eficientes y el lenguaje corporal que debemos usar para inspirar a que la persona tome acción en lo que ofrecemos y transmitir la mejor versión de nuestro producto, servicio o idea, ya que, cuando un cliente nos dice que no es importante que nuestro lenguaje corporal y tonalidades no cambien. 

¿Para quién es este curso?:

Cuando vendemos es importante conocer y usar las tonalidades eficientes y el lenguaje corporal que debemos usar para inspirar a que la persona tome acción en lo que ofrecemos y transmitir la mejor versión de nuestro producto, servicio o idea, ya que, cuando un cliente nos dice que no es importante que nuestro lenguaje corporal y tonalidades no cambien. 


Estas técnicas en las manos equivocadas pueden llegar a usarse para manipular a tus clientes y personas en tu vida.

Entre más ético seas, mejor serás en tus ventas y tus técnicas de persuasión.

No hay nada de malo con saber como vender un producto, servicio o idea, de hecho es una parte esencial en cualquier área de tu vida, tanto en el ámbito personal en cuanto a las creencias que te vendes a ti mismo, como en la parte laboral.

¡Un sistema que todos deberían aprender!



  • Know what your customers really express to you.

  • Identify how the sales process is going.

  • Skills of argumentation, debate and persuasion.

  • Detection of lies in clients.

  • Get better identified with people.

  • Create a better impression with the people around you.

  • Have more confidence in yourself.

  • Improve relationships with you  work team.

  • Inspire customers to take action with what you offer.

  • Communicate more efficiently.

  • Control your emotions.

  • Discover the feelings of consumers through their gestures and  postures.

  • Develop your verbal, vocal and visual communication.

  • Conduct a sales presentation for a product, service, or idea  with an audience and know if your audience is paying attention to you.

  • Be aware of your own body language and be able to alter it at any time to send the signals you want others to  people see, naturally.


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