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Staying motivated helps you work to your true potential in all areas and exceed the expectation of your goals.




Description  of the course:

A person who works with their true potential moves, touches, raises awareness, transforms, communicates and exceeds their expectations.


This course is aimed at people and companies that seek to improve their motivation and maintain it, that manage to improve short and long-term goals to become true leaders capable of achieving commitment and self-motivation in the 4 pillars: Health, Family, Economic and Social .  

It promotes a personal transformation that will serve as the basis for a change in yourself and as a professional, this approach promises results in the short and long term, giving the participants a deep sense of responsibility that drives them to evolve and seek solutions proactively on an ongoing basis. instead of complaining, demanding and procrastinating. 

It makes you the leader of your goals and objectives and helps you to have multiple ways to motivate yourself and motivate others with your way of being. Multiply your strengths, promote innovation, self-confidence, collaboration, responsible decision-making, effective and timely open communication.


Christopher is an expert on the subject of Personal Finance, he has been implementing this transformative knowledge since he was 24 years old.


"Connecting with your best version of your financial standard is the best thing you can do, knowing about personal finance is the financial food plan that will help you reach the next level"


         Christopher Ehrli

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​​Está avalado ante la STPS (Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social) y ante la SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública) y CONOCER (Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales).

Registro SAVITAR STPS.jpg

Lo que aprenderás:

Aprenderás el proceso eficiente,  para llevar a tu prospecto/cliente a un cierre de venta efectivo, y el paso a paso que llevará tus ventas al siguiente nivel.

Existen diferentes canales de comunicación que no conocemos de forma consciente, en este curso aprenderás a como ocupar estas potenciales técnicas a tu favor para lograr persuadir de forma extraordinariamente eficiente, veremos temas de como ocupar las tonalidades a nuestro favor, nuestro lenguaje corporal, canales de comunicación inconscientes que favorecen el "rapport", canales de comunicación conscientes, técnicas de rapport, como encontrar la forma mas adecuada de comunicarnos con cada prospecto/cliente para que lo que digamos tenga un impacto transformador y a favor de el propósito/meta que tenemos.

¿Para quién es este curso?:

Emprendedores, empresarios, vendedores y cualquier persona que desee llevar su nivel de persuasión, influencia y ventas a un nivel avanzado.


  • You manage to stay motivated at all times.

  • Improve habits.

  • You achieve commitment to your goals and objectives.  

  • Improvements in the 4 pillars: Health, Family, Economic and Social.  

  • It helps to become aware and have a clear vision of your goals and objectives.  

  • You work with your true potential.  

  • You exceed your expectations.  

  • Encourage not to procrastinate.  

  • Expand vision

  • Improve your emotional intelligence.  

  • Improvements in time and resource management.  

  • Plan strategically.  

  • Take responsibility to become pro-active.

  • Effective communication.  

  • Creativity and constant motivation. 


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