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You will learn to detect deception and lies through the observation of the  movement of facial patterns.



Descripción del curso:


if they  called microexpressions  because its duration on the human face is very short,  about one-twentieth of a second, because the  microexpressions last very little, in conjunction with kinesics (body movements), hand gestures, illustrators and the lighting of the place where you are; everything  this causes that  we do not see them consciously.  

To facilitate its study,  created the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), a method to classify the movements associated with the muscles of the face, and to  group these, they were given the name of  "Clusters" or Action Units (AUS), in such a way that their classification would be easier.


Series like Lie To Me,  being "protagonists" in the art of determining if a person is lying or not; We know that they have to do with the expressions on our face, but what are they really? How do they manifest? microexpressions are involuntary movements of the muscles of the face, in especially emotional moments and that are related to a situation that can cause us anxiety; either for positive or negative reasons.

Currently, it has been determined that the seven basic emotions (Joy, anger, sadness, surprise, contempt, fear and disgust) cannot be "falsified", since the muscles of the face move automatically, and there is no way that we can reproduce those movements perfectly in a conscious way, even with a lot of practice, including professional actors, whose job is precisely  Such a falsification, could not be more effective than a non-initiated in the performing arts, if he faces a situation of imminent danger, or deep emotional stress, because his reaction will be as primary as ours.

Identify the 60 most important facial clusters of the Facial Action Coding System; their intensities, asymmetries and combinations applied to detect lies.

Lo que aprenderás:

Vas a aprender a leer y analizar las expresiones faciales a un nivel avanzado, identificarás cosas que la gente a tu alrededor observa de manera inconsciente y tu lo harás de forma consciente detectando con esto como se sienten las personas con las que te estas comunicando, si te están mintiendo y entender patrones de comportamiento. Entenderás como analizar las microexpresiones universales y las expresiones con las que expresamos frustración, ansiedad etc.

¿Para quién es este curso?:

Emprendedores, empresarios, vendedores y cualquier persona que desee llevar su nivel de persuasión, influencia y ventas a un nivel avanzado.


Estas técnicas en las manos equivocadas pueden llegar a usarse para manipular a tus clientes y personas en tu vida.

Entre más ético seas, mejor serás en tus ventas y tus técnicas de persuasión.

No hay nada de malo con saber como vender un producto, servicio o idea, de hecho es una parte esencial en cualquier área de tu vida, tanto en el ámbito personal en cuanto a las creencias que te vendes a ti mismo, como en la parte laboral.

¡Un sistema que todos deberían aprender!


  • Know what your children, your partner, your family, your clients really express to you.

  • Skills of argumentation, debate and persuasion.

  • Detection of lies in the family, in children, with your partner, etc.

  • Get identified with others.

  • Create a better impression with the people around you.

  • Have more confidence in yourself.

  • Improve relationships with your family, work team and friends.

  • Persuade and inspire clients, family, friends, partner, etc.

  • Communicate more efficiently.

  • Know what politicians and celebrities really say when  they appear on television.

  • Control your emotions.

  • Discover the feelings of people through their gestures and  postures.

  • Develop your verbal, vocal and visual communication.

  • Conduct a sales presentation for a product, service, or idea  with an audience and know if your audience is paying attention to you.

  • Be aware of your own body language and be able to alter it at any time to send the signals you want others to  people see, naturally.


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