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You will be able to identify the  isolated mini-expressions and when more than one expression appears at the same time in  a person.

What are mini expressions?

Subtle expressions or mini-expressions, we can observe  in very small movements, usually in a single  face area: eyebrows, eyelids, cheeks, nose, lips or chin.

The person showing a subtle expression may not yet know that they are feeling an emotion, but they will. The mini expressions or subtle expressions can be:


  • They are the first signs of an emotion that will develop into a larger and more explicit micro-expression.

  • The sign of an emotion that is very subtle and will not increase.

  • a mini expression  that someone tries to suppress.

It is important to identify the subtle expressions since the person may be feeling more than one emotion at the same time, and we could end up not fully interpreting what the person is feeling or expressing if we only see a part of the expression.  

The mini-expressions, because they can be the beginning of a micro-expression, can be expressed in a very  subtle and the person may be trying to suppress it so that you do not realize what they are feeling and if you know how to identify  mini expressions you do not need to see the full micro expression.


  • Identify the beginning of a microexpression

  • become aware of  expressions to be suppressed. 

  • Identify expressions (emotions) combined.

  • Know what your children, your partner, your family, your clients really express to you.

  • Skills of argumentation, debate and persuasion.

  • Detection of lies in the family, in children, with your partner, etc.

  • Get identified with others.

  • Create a better impression with the people around you.

  • Have more confidence in yourself.

  • Improve relationships with your family, work team and friends.

  • Persuade and inspire clients, family, friends, partner, etc.

  • Communicate more efficiently.

  • Know what politicians and celebrities really say when  they appear on television.

  • Control your emotions.

  • Discover the feelings of people through their gestures and  postures.

  • Develop your verbal, vocal and visual communication.

  • Conduct a sales presentation for a product, service, or idea  with an audience and know if your audience is paying attention to you.

  • Being aware of your own body language and being able to alter it at any time to send the signals you want others to  people see, naturally.


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