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Es una herramienta que te permite analizar la voz para detectar mentiras, comunicarte de manera eficiente, inspirar y persuadir a los demás.  


Descripción del curso:

It is a tool that can help us in many ways, such as analyzing the voice over the phone or in person to identify lies that can help us prevent  different inconvenient situations  with family, friends, acquaintances, customers, vendors and/or  couple.  

There are different types of shades  not all of them are useful to inspire and persuade, and so,  communicate effectively with people. If we are not aware of these tones when communicating with a person offering a product, service or idea, or having a casual conversation, our interlocutor unconsciously identifies these tones and creates a judgment and perception of what is being said;  It is important to transmit the best tones so that the other person perceives the best version of what is being communicated.  

We will see the different effective and ineffective tonalities to be able to transmit the best version of what we want, and identify their states in the other person,  emotions and lies through tonality.  

We will see different signs​ of anxiety, fears, nerves, etc.  in the voice that are carried out unconsciously and  that could become signs of a lie.  

Lo que aprenderás:

Vas a aprender a leer y analizar la voz a un nivel avanzado, identificarás cosas que la gente a tu alrededor escucha de manera inconsciente y tu lo harás de forma consciente detectando con esto como se sienten las personas con las que te estás comunicando, si te están mintiendo y entender patrones de comportamiento. Entenderás como analizar la voz, detectar indicios de ansiedad, estrés, nervios etc. y detectar mentiras con estos indicios. 

¿Para quién es este curso?:

Emprendedores, empresarios, vendedores y cualquier persona que desee llevar su nivel de persuasión, influencia y ventas a un nivel avanzado.


Estas técnicas en las manos equivocadas pueden llegar a usarse para manipular a tus clientes y personas en tu vida.

Entre más ético seas, mejor serás en tus ventas y tus técnicas de persuasión.

No hay nada de malo con saber como vender un producto, servicio o idea, de hecho es una parte esencial en cualquier área de tu vida, tanto en el ámbito personal en cuanto a las creencias que te vendes a ti mismo, como en la parte laboral.

¡Un sistema que todos deberían aprender!


*The  paralanguage can us  benefit by contacting us by phone or  in person.

  • Be aware of the most effective shades to persuade and inspire others. 

  • Identify signs of anxiety, frustration and/or  stress. 

  • Identify lies.

  • Know what your children, your partner, your family, your clients really express to you.

  • Skills of argumentation, debate and persuasion.

  • Detection of lies in the family, in children, with your partner, etc.

  • Get identified with others.

  • Create a better impression with the people around you.

  • Have more confidence in yourself.

  • Improve relationships with your family, work team and friends.

  • Persuade and inspire clients, family, friends, partner, etc.

  • Communicate more efficiently.

  • Know what politicians and celebrities really say when  they appear on television.

  • Control your emotions.

  • Discover the feelings of people through their gestures and  postures.

  • Develop your verbal, vocal and visual communication.

  • Conduct a sales presentation for a product, service, or idea  efficiently.

  • Being aware of your tonalities and being able to alter them  at any time to send the signals you want others to  people listen, naturally.


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