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Is  necessary to have different sources of prospects to optimize the number of sales for  thus, generate good results and exceed expectations.



Descripción del curso:

Prospecting (understood as the systematic search for new contacts to generate potential customers) is the  crucial element of a salesperson's success. Most salespeople are aware of this, but few like prospecting and the time they spend on it is usually  insufficient.

The most valuable asset of a professional seller is therefore his database and his list of contacts.

Prospecting provides the opportunity to establish  the level of income you will get, many salespeople who improve their results or are successful in times of crisis achieve it  because many of its competitors have not taken into account the importance  of prospecting and convenience  to work with the true potential and exceed the expectation.

There is  system of  prospecting, which  consists  on  follow certain effective steps, which if achieved  They are capable of extraordinary results.

Most salespeople want to avoid prospecting, which sometimes happens because they don't consider its importance or don't know how to fit it into their day-to-day.  

With this innovative course  of prospecting you can optimize with techniques and strategies  what  Considerably increase your portfolio of contacts/clients.


Prospecting is the essential element in the sales cycle: without it, you don't have  the opportunity to talk to potential contacts  nor to recommend appropriate solutions for their needs that potentially benefit them.

Christopher desarrollo diferentes técnicas de prospección que te ayudan a incrementar el número de prospectos de manera potencial y no solo mantener la fuente de prospectos si no incrementar los clientes y crecer tu negocio.

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​​Está avalado ante la STPS (Secretaría de Trabajo y Previsión Social) y ante la SEP (Secretaría de Educación Pública) y CONOCER (Consejo Nacional de Normalización y Certificación de Competencias Laborales).

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Lo que aprenderás:

Aprenderás una variedad de técnicas y estrategias que te van a ayudar a incrementar el número de prospectos y clientes, sabrás pedir referidos de forma estratégica, tenemos que entender que la prospección es fundamental y entre mas fuentes de prospección tengas, mas posibilidades vas a tener de vender y crecer tu negocio, emprendimiento o empresa. 

¿Para quién es este curso?:

Emprendedores, empresarios, vendedores y cualquier persona que desee llevar su nivel de persuasión, influencia y ventas a un nivel avanzado.

¡Un sistema de prospección que todos deberían aprender!


  • Have different prospecting sources.

  • Increase databases/customer portfolio.

  • Increase sales. 

  • Create prospecting systems.

  • Optimize the number of sales/closures per day.

  • exceed expectation

  • Always have customers to whom to offer the product,  service or idea. 

  • Gives the opportunity to grow the business. 

  • Know where to prospect. 

  • Understand the different types of prospects. 

  • Learn to ask for referrals.

  • Know how to work with unsold customers.


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